Car Detailing Melbourne

specialist car detailing services

The Lab aims to provide Melbourne with a variety of detailing services to cater for the critical owner who wants a quality of service for their vehicle. Our main services include full details, Pre-sale Details and Interior Cleaning.

Our washing process involves several steps critical steps that allow the safe removal of dirt and debris in a manner that minimises the friction that causes swirl marks and marring that makes the paintwork on a car look dull. Once the snow foam wash and rinse is completed we then begin to decontaminate the vehicle. Decontamination is a deep cleaning process that isn’t normally performed during a regular wash.

This process has two components, a physical decontamination process with a Clay Bar and a chemical decontamination with tar and fall out removers. This leaves the paintwork smooth and ‘truly’ clean. Meaning the paintwork once dry, is finally ready for Paint Correction.


Our wash process involves safely removing dirt and debris before decontamination.


Paint Protection Film Melbourne


Dash Cam Melbourne